Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Popcorn is Popp'n

Our awesome popcorn team asked me to remind everyone that we are just about to the end of the sale.  There is still time to sell any popcorn you have on-hand, and you can still take orders at those family gatherings this weekend.
They also tell me that we are very close to beating last years sales.  We need everyone to help push us over the top and have our best sale ever!  Remember - popcorn sales are what pay for all of the Troop camping gear, help reduce the cost of "big" campouts and pay for things like pizza parties.

And speaking of pizza - we are on track to have ZERO RETURNS.  And that means pizza for everyone who sold popcorn!

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Good Turn Daily...

Last night a several Scouts and leaders from Troop 47 helped out at the Vinton Lions Club chili supper. Good Job guys! Vinton Today has a short piece with a picture: (link)

New subscription options

Hey Troop 47!   We have just added the ability for you to get announcements and reminders postings via email.  If you are reading this on our web site, follow the link to the Announcements Blog or Reminder Blog found just above the box for each of them.  On the blog you will now see a spot on the right side to enter your email address.  Follow the directions then look for an email with a link to activate your subscription.

Please note: the Announcements blog is separate from the Reminders blog so you need to subscribe to both if you want to receive emails for both.