Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Izaak Walton work day

The Red Cedar chapter of Izaak Walton provides support to Boy Scout Troop 47, including allowing the use of their chapter house and grounds for our meetings.

Like all of the Vinton area, the Ikes grounds sustained a lot of damage in the July 11th wind storm. Ikes leadership has scheduled a work day to clean up the storm damage and has asked Troop 47 to help.

Date: Saturday 6-August-2011
Time: 8am - 10am
Place: Izaak Walton chapter house, 2 miles north of Vinton on highway 150
Bring: Work gloves, bow saws and other tools to clean up brush -
Service to others is a big part of Scouting.  This is an opportunity for us to give back to the community that supports us so lets have a good turn out.